CHESTLearning & EventsBoard ReviewWhy Pre-Course Work Matters for CHEST Board Review (and How to Approach It)

Why Pre-Course Work Matters for CHEST Board Review (and How to Approach It)

By: Kendra Benner
July 26, 2022

Before CHEST Board Review 2022 begins, every learner receives a set of approximately 35 to 40 hours’ worth of prerecorded material to review prior to the live online sessions. Watching the pre-course videos is a significant time investment, but it’s a critical part of the CHEST Board Review learning experience.

By committing to the advance preparation, you’ll be fluent in course concepts and know your questions for faculty members ahead of time. CHEST Pulmonary Medicine Board Review 2022 Chair, Jack D. Buckley, MD, MPH, FCCP, offers his insights on maximizing your preparation with the pre-course videos, plus tips on approaching the material if you’re crunched for time.

Board Review registrants: Log in now and start completing your pre-course work. SIGN IN »

Pre-course preparation fuels learning

The structure of CHEST Board Review is two-fold. First, it provides an extensive overview of board exam material through pre-course videos. Second, it gives opportunities for deeper interaction with the concepts through the live online sessions.

“The prerecorded lectures by the faculty provide a comprehensive review of the material,” Dr. Buckley said. “Then, the live lectures are used to highlight key points from the prerecorded sessions. During the live question and answer sessions, we address nuances of the material that are particularly complicated or confusing.”

Each pre-course lecture is broken down into smaller chunks, so you can review them in bite-sized pieces or watch several videos in a row.

Advance preparation also helps you pinpoint the concepts you’ll want to dive into during the live sessions, which means you can maximize your time with the experts and customize the sessions to your needs.

Focus on knowledge gaps if you’re short on time

If your schedule prohibits you from watching all the pre-course videos, Dr. Buckley recommends honing in on the areas you’re less familiar with.

“If you have limited time and you feel pretty confident in certain sections, focus on the areas you need to work on,” he said. “But I encourage learners to keep in mind there’s a very rich, thorough, and extensive amount of material covered in the prerecorded lectures.”

Dr. Buckley said you can start identifying your knowledge gaps by assessing your clinical experiences and focusing on areas where you’ve had less exposure. He also advised purchasing CHEST SEEK™ Education questions, which cover topics from the American Board of Internal Medicine blueprint, and digging into the areas you didn’t score as well on.

Getting ready to excel on your board exam

Bottom line: The more you engage with the pre-course work, the more you’ll get out of CHEST Board Review—and the more confident you’ll likely feel during the exam. Dedicating time to advance preparation ultimately increases your likelihood of success.

“This is definitely like most other big exams in our careers where the earlier you start your preparation, usually the better it goes during the exam,” Dr. Buckley said.

CHEST Board Review with expert faculty members like Dr. Buckley is coming soon in August 2022. Get registered, and start preparing for the live online sessions. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER »


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