CHEST Guideline Development and Submissions

CHEST guidelines meet the highest standards in guideline development, as outlined by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). Guideline panels are carefully selected, are screened for conflicts of interest, and include clinical experts who provide their expertise to the interpretation of the evidence and development of the recommendations.

CHEST relies on the input of members, volunteers, leaders, and staff to define and pursue opportunities to create high-quality, relevant guidelines. An open call for guideline proposals is held each year; 2024 submissions have closed, but the next cycle will open in spring 2025.


JOIN A GUIDELINE PANEL | CHEST is recruiting members to join our guideline panels and help develop guidelines that support clinicians around the world. Submit your name for consideration by Monday, October 21. SUBMIT APPLICATION »

Guideline topic submission process

Preliminary topic proposals are submitted first, and the CHEST Guidelines Oversight Committee then identifies select proposals to submit a full guideline proposal. Topics that reflect the constituency of CHEST; cross over to various disciplines of chest medicine; have high global, public health, and/or economic impact; have wide variability within practice; and address new or recently evolved treatment or diagnostic strategies are prioritized.

The full proposal asks submitters to identify the goals and objectives of the guideline, provide a list of proposed questions (in population, intervention, comparator, and outcome [PICO] format), and list a proposed guideline panel that represents the diverse backgrounds and experiences of key stakeholders in the clinical topic. In addition to the overall priority of the topic, submissions meeting the following criteria will be prioritized for selection:

  • Clear goals and objectives that are aligned with the mission and vision of CHEST guidelines
  • Appropriate project scope that can be completed within the target time frames (18 to 24 months for a clinical practice guideline)
  • Guideline questions that outline the clear population, intervention, comparator, and outcomes in the recommended guideline format
  • Lack of existing or ongoing guidelines in the topic area (CHEST or non-CHEST), or prior guidelines requiring need for updating due to new evidence
  • Proposed panel that represents CHEST’s commitment to diversity and inclusion



Preliminary topic proposals due


Invitations to submit full guideline proposals sent


Full guideline proposals due


Final guideline topic decisions made



Guideline development begins


Anticipated guideline completion


If you have questions, please contact »

Guideline development methodologies

Because of the recognized need for credible clinical guidance across topic areas with varying levels of supporting evidence, the methodology accommodates the complete evidence continuum, from the highest level of supporting evidence to the lowest level of supporting evidence.

Producing trustworthy clinical practice guidelines involves a rigorous evidence-based approach to identifying and synthesizing the literature that forms the evidence base for the guideline recommendations. The evidence that informs the recommendations is collected through a rigorous systematic review of key questions formulated through the PICO development process. All studies included in a body of evidence are assessed for their quality using the GRADE approach.

The development of clinical practice guidelines requires a substantial time commitment, often between 18 and 24 months. However, critical circumstances can necessitate the development of trustworthy recommendations in a much shorter time frame. In order to produce rapid guidelines while maintaining a standardized, rigorous, and transparent process, CHEST follows the guiding principles set forth by the GIN-McMaster Guideline Development Checklist extension for rapid recommendations.

Guideline relationship policy

CHEST routinely reviews relationships for all guideline panelists and reviewers. This policy ensures high-quality, evidence-based, nonbiased guideline recommendations and protects our integrity, as well as the integrity of the guidelines and panelists.