David Schulman, MD, MPH, FCCP, becomes the 84th President of the American College of Chest Physicians
January 3, 2022
Organization also announces Dr. Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris as President-Elect, Dr. John (Jack) D. Buckley as President-Designate and Dr. Steven Q. Simpson as Immediate Past President
Glenview, IL – Effective January 1, David Schulman, MD, MPH, FCCP, is the new President of the American College of Chest Physicians® (CHEST). Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris, MD, FCCP, steps into the role of President-Elect, John (Jack) D. Buckley, MD, FCCP, is the new President-Designate and Steven Q. Simpson, MD, FCCP, completes his term as President to become Immediate Past President of CHEST.
CHEST President David Schulman, MD, MPH, FCCP, is a pulmonologist and sleep medicine physician with an extensive background in education and educational administration. He is Professor in the division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at Emory University in Atlanta. For 14 years, he directed their pulmonary and critical care fellowship program but recently stepped down to take on the role of Director of the School of Medicine’s preclinical foundations curriculum. His primary area of academic interest is on faculty development and research in the domains of teaching effectiveness and assessment.
Before becoming President, Dr. Schulman served as Chair of the CHEST 2018 Scientific Program Committee where he focused on crafting novel, interactive programming with the aim of improving attendee engagement and knowledge retention. He also served as Program Chair of the 2019 CHEST Congress in Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Schulman is the Immediate Past Editor in Chief of CHEST Physician, CHEST’s monthly news publication. He has previously served as Chair of the Council of Networks, as well as on the Education Committee, Training and Transitions Committee, Scientific Program Committee, Governance Committee, Board of Regents, and the CHEST SEEK™ Sleep and SEEK Pulmonary Medicine Editorial Boards.
CHEST President-Elect Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris, MD, FCCP, is a pulmonary/critical care physician with an extensive background in bronchiectasis and nontuberculous mycobacterial infection and medical education. Dr. Addrizzo-Harris is currently a Professor of Medicine at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She serves as the Associate Division Director for Clinical and Faculty Affairs, is the Director of the NYU Bronchiectasis and NTM Program and is Co-Director of the NYU Pulmonary Faculty Practice. She is now serving in her 21st year as the Program Director of NYU’s Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship.
During her leadership tenure with CHEST, Dr. Addrizzo-Harris has served on the Marketing Committee, the Health and Science Policy Committee (Chair from 2007-2009), Government Relations Committee, Scientific Program Committee, Education Committee, Governance Committee, Editorial Board for CHEST Physician, Professional Standards Committee (Chair 2016-2018), Board of Regents, and CHEST Foundation Board of Trustees. Most recently, Dr. Addrizzo-Harris served as the President of the CHEST Foundation from 2018-2019 and Co-Chair of the Foundation Awards Committee from 2015-2020. Dr. Addrizzo-Harris will serve as the sixth woman to lead the American College of Chest Physicians.
CHEST President-Designate John (Jack) D. Buckley, MD, MPH, FCCP, is a pulmonologist and critical care physician with an extensive background in education. He currently serves as the division leader of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine for the Henry Ford Medical Group and Health System.
Dr. Buckley has been an active and engaged member of CHEST since 1997. He has served in leadership roles across many domains of the organization, including CHEST 2020 Congress Italy, Chair of the CHEST 2013 Scientific Program Committee, Board of Regents, Compensation Committee, Governance Committee, Training and Transitions Committee (Chair, 2011-2012) and Bylaws Committee (Chair, 2010-2012), Honor Lecture and Awards Committee, and the Affiliate Network. He currently serves on the CHEST SEEK™ Pulmonary Medicine Editorial Board and is the Chair of the Pulmonary Medicine Board Review.
CHEST Immediate Past President Steven Q. Simpson, MD, FCCP, is a pulmonologist and intensivist with an extensive background in sepsis and in critical care quality improvement. He has conducted research in all areas of severe sepsis including molecular and cellular mechanisms, as well as translational, quality improvement, and computer modeling studies. He was a founder in 2005 of the Midwest Critical Care Collaborative, a multidisciplinary and interprofessional collaborative effort to improve the quality of critical care services throughout the Midwest. In 2007, he initiated the Kansas Sepsis Project, a statewide program to improve severe sepsis care and outcomes via continuing education both in sepsis and in quality improvement principles, and via interprofessional collaborations. Dr. Simpson is an author of the 2016 and 2020 updates of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines. He is the Senior Medical Advisor for Sepsis Alliance, a nationwide patient information and advocacy organization. He currently serves as a panelist for the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines.
Dr. Simpson is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine at the University of Kansas. He is also senior advisor to the Solving Sepsis initiative of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Prior to being elected to the board, Dr. Simpson served as Chair of CHEST’s Critical Care Network and as Chair of the Council of Networks. Dr. Simpson was also a Regent-at-Large of the CHEST Board of Regents, sat on numerous board committees and task forces including the Scientific Program Committee and the COVID-19 Task Force, and participated as a member of the CHEST SEEK™ Critical Care Medicine Editorial Board.
To learn more about CHEST leadership, visit the CHEST website.
About the American College of Chest Physicians
The American College of Chest Physicians® (CHEST) is the global leader in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of chest diseases. Its mission is to champion the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of chest diseases through education, communication, and research. It serves as an essential connection to clinical knowledge and resources for its 19,000+ members from around the world who provide patient care in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. For information about the American College of Chest Physicians, visit chestnet.org.